Friday, November 20, 2009


SRI AUROBINDO ON HIMSELF AND ON THE MOTHER was first published in 1953 as Volume I of the Sri Aurobindo International University Centre Collection. Part One of this volume consisted of Sri Aurobindo's notes and letters concerning his life and Yoga; Part Two contained his letters relating both to himself and to the Mother; and Part Three was a revised and enlarged version of the book LETTERS OF SRI AUROBINDO ON THE MOTHER, first published in 1951 by the Sri Aurobindo Circle, Bombay.
The present Volume (No. 26) of the SRI AUROBINDO BIRTH CENTENARY LIBRARY consists of Parts One and Two of the 1953 edition, revised and considerably enlarged by the addition of a large amount of new material including the messages given by Sri Aurobindo on various occasions.
Part Three of the 1953 edition containing Sri Aurobindo's letters on the Mother has been transferred to a separate Volume (No. 25) of the Centenary Library which also includes other writings of Sri Aurobindo on the Mother.


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